About Me

My photo
My name is Penelope McDonald. I am currently studying Graphic Design. I aspire to be a Graphic Designer and Illustrator. Like me on facebook: facebook.com/perceived.graphics Thanks for reading =)


more photoshoping

First day of a two week holiday from TAFE & I'm already bored.
so here is a photo of myself which i photoshoped for the fun of it =)
hope you like it =)


  1. WOW!! that's amazing pen! you really have to teach me how i can get that good at photoshopping photos! ^_^

  2. ^_^ aww thanks.
    To be honest, all i do is keep experimenting until i get a good result. I've tried things that look bad before too. I just only post the good ones =)

    I use the burn, dodge, spot healing, patch & direct select tools a lot. As well as doing things like duplicating layers, editing one & then lowering the opacity or changing the layer type! =)

    all you need to do is have fun and go crazy with it =) if you make a mistake who cares, just always keep a copy of the original and save your creations it regularly. (lol I'm sorry, I'm starting to sound like a teacher now... ^_^)
